August 28, 2020 at 12:25 p.m.
Sorry, I got off track. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who breathed a bit of normalcy into our lives. It was awesome and from the looks on other people’s faces, they were feeling the same way.
There is an estate sale taking place in Taylors Falls from August 27 to August 29. Why would I mention estate sales in my column? Because the proceeds of this particular sale go directly to the first Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Steeple fund. The church needs $65,000 to replace the failing steeple and to date has raised almost $48,000 of that. This sale could help them attain enough to finally get the steeple fixed. See page 15 for a detailed ad on the sale.
We have two kids that attend college. As I write this, one is strictly online and the other in southern Minnesota has a schedule that is a hybrid, with online classes and in school labs. As we all know, this could change in the drop of the hat. This is not a feel-sorry-for-the-college kids because they are being robbed of the college experience lament. This is a mini-rant on how schools (colleges) can continue to charge us the same exorbitant fees they have in years past. Heck, I know of a friend whose daughter’s tuition increased and her school is completely online this year.
I have emailed and called the school trying to ask them if anything will be prorated and or reduced this year. I get put on hold, transferred, put back on hold, transferred and so on. “Keep him on hold so long he will give up” has to be their motto. I have read in some very rare cases of schools lessening the financial burdens on students, but not any we are part of nor any friends’ kids either. This is a pandemic, do the logical thing. sorry that was aimed at the colleges, and I am sure they are listening.
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