October 29, 2020 at 1:57 p.m.
Every-so-often we receive an obituary that hits home. Sometimes it's someone close to my age, sometimes it's a community member, it always seems to be something. This week is no exception. It is with a heavy heart that we have Richard Hjort's obituary in our paper. If he doesn't look familiar, it's okay, you most likely haven't seen him. But for those of you who have been faithfully reading this paper for any amount of time, you definitely saw his name. for years and years his name was on our front page. Richard was our Nature Notes contributor. He spent every week compiling precipitation amounts as well as super fun and intriguing notes about the nature that is in our back yards. He even had readers that would send him letters and call him with sightings. He would affectionately call them "Jan the Loon Lady" and other fun names. To know Richard was a gift. He was quite simply the kindest, most gracious person I have ever met. Even when we took classes with him such as bluebird house building, he was so kind to everyone and so encouraging. I will forever miss the Tuesday afternoon call that opened with an emphatic "Hello Matthew!". Goodbye Richard - you will be missed.
If your kids are still looking for something to do Halloween related, and are unsure about going door-to-door, there are a couple of options for you. Lakes Free Church, near the high school in Lindstrom, will be holding the annual Trunk-or-Treat event on Halloween. The event is now a drive-thru trunk-or-treat that is a safe environment to be filled with candy and treats for all to enjoy. Their event is free and open to the public and runs from 5pm until 6:30pm. You and your family are encouraged to wear costumes.
Access Church in North Branch will also be holding a drive-thru Halloween that is open to the public. They have collected well over 1,200 pounds of candy and have well over 1,500 bags to hand out. The church is west of the freeway, located at 4359 392nd Street just off Highway 95. The event runs from 4pm to 6pm.
Remember tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow are the last nights for the Ojiketa Haunted Drive. The event runs from 7pm to 9pm both nights and is a completely contactless Halloween experience. Admission is free and all props are stationary...just in case you were thinking a ghoul may jump in your car.
Ojiketa Regional Park is located at 27500 Kirby Avenue in Chisago City. You will see signs on Old Towne Road by Zion Lutheran Church.
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