January 8, 2021 at 11:43 a.m.
He is survived by his wife, Patricia Bloom Penshorn: his daughters Julie Penshorn (Ray Nelson), Sally Chapeau (Kevin Chapeau), Carrie Sue Penshorn (Dan Sonnen), and Brenda Ingersoll, and his sister June Nelson; five grandchildren, Jake Kaysen, Adam Kaysen, Collin Peterson, Madisen Penshorn-Fischer, and Colton Penshorn-Fischer (Alyssa); and his numerous nieces and nephews.
Bob graduated from Central High School, enlisted in the Navy, and then graduated from Macalester College. He pursued an accounting career in St. Paul for nearly 60 years!
While at college a friend pointed out Patricia Bloom as she sat studying in the Macalester College Library. He called her up and the rest is history. They were married in 1951 and spent almost 69 years together living in the Macalester-Groveland area and spending summers on South Center Lake, near Lindstrom, MN.
Bob was well known around the Twin Cities and Chisago Lakes area among tennis enthusiasts who discovered he was a fierce competitor! He was also involved in the Chisago Lakes Golf Course and served in many capacities as a lifelong member of Macalester-Plymouth United Church.
Bob played nearly every sport at some time in his life, and kept at them until his 80s. In fact, his last recorded water-ski was at age 80. He also enjoyed music and you could find him in the memory care facility by listening for his singing! He was a swing dancer – taught all his girls how, and joined a dance club with Pat. He also enjoyed hunting and fishing, his dogs, and family gatherings.
Memorials are preferred to Center Lakes Association, https://www.centerlakes.org or Macalester-Plymouth United Church.
A Zoom funeral service will be held January 17 at 2p.m. CST. To join in, please login to Zoom: https://us02web. zoom.us/j/89764630489?pwd=OVVPalEzMnNXVGNuZllJSUR0TFZsZz09
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