January 21, 2022 at 12:11 p.m.
For our readers that either live or work in west Wisconsin or travel there to shop and eat, there has been a considerable spike in Covid-19 cases. They had 500 new cases reported the week ending Jan 17. Polk County has a free testing site in Balsam Lake at the government center that tests daily from 9am to 7pm with vaccinations provided every Thursday from 11am to 6:30pm.
Keeping with the Covid theme, the Red Cross is in the midst of a major blood shortage. If you can give blood, please do so. I use the Red Cross app and it makes scheduling a breeze. You can set your distance you will travel to give blood and you can easily choose the time and location to do so.
The Chisago Lakes Library is holding the annual winter book sale, on now until January 22. You will find great prices on used books to help you get through the winter months. As always, they are accepting good condition used books if you have some. Chisago Lakes Area Library is at 11754 302nd Street, Chisago City.
As I have been writing the last few weeks, registration is now open for a few Celebration of the Lakes events. If you go to www.chisagolakeschamber.com, you can now register for the puzzle contest, you can register a dodgeball team, your cornhole (we call it bags) team, and you can still purchase the snowmobile raffle tickets until they are sold out. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Chamber at 651-257-1177.
Speaking of the Chamber - both North Branch and Chisago Lakes Area Chamber of Commerces will be holding their respective Home Shows this spring. North Branch’s is May 7 at the North Branch High School and Chisago Lakes is February 26 and 27 at Chisago Lakes High School. They are accepting registrations for your business right now.
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