May 20, 2022 at 10:32 a.m.
Luckily my wife was with me, because I was ready to turn the boat around and dust them with a big wave of water. Instead we took our ride, which of course was filled with conversation about littering and how some people just literally don’t give a crap about anything. As we returned home, there were her Corona bottles floating along with a king size Truly can… did I mention I am old??
Make a note—Winehaven is holding their super-popular dinner and dueling pianos Friday, tomorrow. I have seen the show before, and it is amazing. While the event isn’t free, the price is worth it because you get an amazing dinner and some wonderful wine to go along with the show. There is still time to get last minute tickets online at
If you are a kayaker, on Memorial Day the Chisago Lakes Paddle Club would be thrilled to have you join for the annual Memorial Day paddle. The group will meet at Ki Chi Saga Park in Lindstrom off Glader Blvd. just south of the high school at 9 am. After gathering, the group will work their way all around South and North Center Lakes and back to Ki Chi Saga Park. They will make a stop in Center City for lunch before heading back to the park.
The paddle goes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can join or break off at any point.
Tonight (most of you get the paper Thursday early) is the beginning of St. Bridget of Sweden Church’s summer concert series. The four concert series kicks off with an organ concert by Bill Chouinard. The series of concerts all begin at 7 p.m. and are free with a goodwill donation encouraged.
By now all of our subscribers have either pre-paid for their subscriptions or have received their renewal blue cards in the mail. You will notice a hand written new date on your blue card. I forgot to extend the due date for the subscriptions and yes - that is my messy handwriting - and in case you are wondering what it says it says May 31. I apologize, my already messy handwriting got worse (yes it’s possible) after writing on 2,000 blue cards. Anyways, thanks. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading. You are why we are here. Oh, and Carol Dahlquist - thanks for the tip! The donuts were good!
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