February 8, 2023 at 11:24 a.m.
Chisago County seeking community input for Transportation Plan
Chisago County is asking for input from community members on the future of the county transportation system. The county is currently updating its transportation plan, which will guide future transportation policy decisions and investments. To gather input from residents, businesses, and commuters on the transportation system's future, the County is hosting an in-person public open house meeting and an interactive website.
The in-person open house meeting will be held on Monday, February 13, 2023, from 5-7 p.m. at the North Branch Area Library (6355 379th Street, North Branch, MN).
Information available at the open house will include the plan's purpose and goals, the existing conditions of the County's transportation system, and a schedule for completion of the plan. Attendees will be asked to identify issues, concerns, and priorities for investment related to the county transportation system. Information collected at the meeting will assist in the development of potential solutions and/or areas for additional study. Staff will also be available to discuss the plan and answer questions (there will not be a formal presentation).
Those unable to attend the open house will have the opportunity to share feedback online at clicking on the link in the “News Room” tab on the County’s main web page at https://www.chisagocountymn.gov or https://chisago-transportplan-wsbeng.hub.arcgis.com/. Online comments will be accepted through March 6th. The information will also be available for viewing at the libraries in Rush City, Wyoming, North Branch and Chisago City. The same information presented at the open house will also be available for review online along with additional background information.
Topics addressed in the plan will include the county highway network, the county trail network, public transit, freight considerations, and more. The final plan is anticipated to be completed in fall 2023, and will reflect the issues, needs, and priorities identified by users of the county transportation system.
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