February 17, 2023 at 3:12 p.m.
Center City Council briefs...
Council also okayed reserving two street sweeper services come spring. Pearson of Hanover, MN will provide sweeping for half days, at $115 per hour. This was a budgeted item.
The council filled a vacancy on the city planning commission accepting an application from, and unanimously appointing resident Chris DuBose.
There is a vacancy on the East Central Regional Development Council with the mayor of Lindstrom stepping down from elected office recently. Any council person or mayor from a city in the area can be appointed. Council agreed to think it over. Deadline to submit a name to be considered is Feb. 24.
The county sheriff informed council Deputy Kyle Jones is now the patrol car for Center City. Council suggested inviting him to an upcoming meeting.
The Hursh Ironworks legal action is progressing, but a court date is not set yet. City Attorney Ted Alliegro advised council he’ll have more to report in March. Council received a letter from the property owner (the ironworks is leasing) who states he wants a meeting with the city. Max Wilson says he has not been notified under due process in city ordinances, and there are still ways that issues with the ironworks can be resolved outside of court. No discussion ensued.
The skidsteer trade-in package the city has with Baribeau Implement was approved for 2023. The city exchanges its skid steer for a new one and gets a $75,000 allowance meaning the new unit costs $1,500.
The Board of Appeal & Equalization meets April 20. Property owners who wish to appeal their market valuation can begin the process here.
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