April 19, 2024 at 12:39 p.m.
Stacy City Council (minus newly elected members) meets
Stacy City Council met April 10 for a regular meeting, all members were present along 18 residents were in attendance.
The meeting began with city Attorney James Monge discussing a code violation at a residence on Elk Court. The home had a carport that collapsed and has since been rebuilt. Monge told the council a permit was not pulled and the new carport was built within setback distance of the neighbor’s property. When the resident went to the county to apply for a permit after it had been built, the county denied the permit. Mayor Mark Utecht made a motion to have Monge pursue enforcement of the violations. The motion passed unanimously.
The council then briefly discussed a road agreement between Stacy and Oxford Township for maintenance of Elmcrest Avenue. Initially Oxford approved the agreement, but some supervisors had not seen the agreement. The council then passed a motion to enter a shared road agreement.
The council then discussed a potential ordinance that involves the use of cannabis in public. Monge suggested the council take a wait and see approach to see if any issues arise. Mayor Utecht added that “Enforcement of such an ordinance could be an enforcement nightmare.”
City engineer Dan Boyum told the council the road projects from last year are officially completed and payment was made to Dresel Contracting. The final payment was discussed prior and the council felt there were costs that shouldn’t have been charged to the city such as de-watering. The final agreed payment for the 307th and 311th project was made for $47,839.
The council then had a lengthy discussion about Rupp Mini Storage. The city has complaints from residents on the lighting at the site and shielding of headlights from the premises. Engineer Boyum told the council there were two options for shielding headlights, one being to require a 12 foot fence construction and the other is planting of mature trees. Boyum said the fence would have to be wind rated and would be quite expensive to the owners at $300 per linear foot. Boyum said he priced trees and 12 foot trees would run about $1200 each and the site would need around 14 trees. Utecht added the city does not allow 12 foot fences in the ordinances. Council member Tim Sawatzky told the council he would really like to see this topic put to bed and that the city has already wasted too much time and resources on it. Utecht agreed and told the council he would reach out to the owners and ask them to pick up the debris, alter the lights on the peaks of the sheds and ask if they would consider planting six foot trees that would eventually grow to shield the homes.
Sawatzky then told the council the planning commission approved an application by a homeowner on Floral Avenue for an interim use permit. The homeowner wants to run a diesel repair shop out of his pole barn. The business will focus on larger vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances. Sawatzky told the council neighbors came to the planning commission meeting and they had no problem with the business. The council agreed to pass the IUP which includes storage of vehicles for up to 30 days.
The council then agreed on Spring Clean Up day which will be held May 22 from 4-7 p.m. at Lent Town Hall.
The council then agreed to sign a valve exercise agreement with Minnesota Rural Water Association for $150 per day or $800 per week. The valves are located between the street and the residents’ homes and serve as a main shut off. The valves need to be opened and shut to keep them in working order.
The council then agreed to a quote for pressure washing the water tower, from Maguire Water for $6,300. There was a brief discussion about using a company that uses drones to pressure wash towers, but the cost was much more than manual cleaning.
Maintenance supervisor Troy Nelson told the council he has had conversations with North Branch Township regarding the John Deere tractor the city currently does not use. Nelson said John Deere came out and estimated the worth to be between $17,000 and $19,000. Council directed Nelson to proceed with the sale to North Branch Township if a price can be agreed upon.
Mayor Utecht told the council the person offered the sports bar manager position had a change of mind. So until the position is filled, former manager Aerica Benson will fill in at her prior manager wages.
Lastly, Utecht noted the meeting will be the last council meeting for members Marie Lawrence and Jennie Carlson. Utecht thanked them for their service and wished them well.
Council adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
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