December 26, 2024 at 10:29 a.m.
(December 26, 2024)
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
The Chisago County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 04, 2024 at the Chisago County Government Center with the following Commissioners present: Jim Swenson, Rick Greene, Marlys Dunne, Ben Montzka, Dan Dahlberg. Also present: County Administrator Chase Burnham, Clerk of the Board Christina Vollrath, and County Attorney Janet Reiter.
Chair Dunne called the meeting to order and led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Montzka offered a motion to approve the amended agenda. Motion seconded by Greene, the motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Greene, seconded by Dahlberg, the board moved to open the Health and Human Services Committee of the Whole at 6:31 p.m. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg OPPOSED: None.
Chair Dunne gave the gavel to Vice-Chair Dahlberg.
Health and Human Services Director Robert Benson provided the Director’s Report and department updates. No action was taken.
On motion by Greene, seconded by Dunne, the Board moved to add items 1-4 to the Consent Agenda. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Greene, seconded by Dunne, the board moved to close the HHS Committee Board of the Whole at 6:40 p.m. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Montzka, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
Board of Commissioners’ Consent Agenda:
1) HHS Committee Recommendation – Director’s Report
2) HHS Committee Recommendation – Payment of County’s Warrants for HHS
3) HHS Committee Recommendation – Licensing Fee Joint Powers Agreement
4) HHS Committee Recommendation – Solid Oak Financial Services through 2026
5) Minutes from the November 20th, 2024, Meeting
6) Payment of County’s Warrants and Miscellaneous Bills Total: $1,151,543. 61.
Per Minnesota Statutes 375.1, proceedings of the County Board including a list of itemized accounts, claims or demands must be published in the official newspaper. The itemized list of claims is available for public review on the County website at Claims less than $2,000 are listed as a total dollar amount and notes the number of claims included in the total.
7) Recognition of County Staff December Anniversaries
8) Transfer of Funds – Tax Forfeit Land Fund to the Tax and Penalty Fund for Settlement
On motion by Greene, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to set the 2025 Ditch Levies at a 10% increase over 2024 as shown in the December 4, 2024, County Auditor-Treasurer Memo. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Montzka, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve payment of the Tibex invoice for the ePetition integration project from 2022 using 2024 contingency funds. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Greene, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to approve a $300,000 7-year 2.5% interest loan, through the execution of a promissory note, to the Lake Improvement District for replacement of weirs in the LID. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Swenson, seconded by Montzka, the Board moved to approve the out of state travel for Karen Long, County Recorder to attend the PRIA Winter Symposium in San Antonio Texas, 3-4-2025 through 3-7-2025. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Swenson, seconded by Montzka, the Board moved to authorize the County Board of Commissioner’s representative to the Joint Powers ICLC to transfer any interest that it has in Parcel #05.001.0500 to the East Central Solid Waste Commission by Quit-Claim Deed for nominal consideration and thereafter to disband as may be appropriate. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
Truth in Taxation Hearing
Presentation: 7:10 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Public Comment: 7:30 p.m. to 8:14 p.m.
# of speakers: 3
On motion by Greene, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve by Board Resolution the Chisago County 2025 Final Levy & Annual Budget, as presented [or “as modified”] at tonight’s meeting to include:
A 2025 County Levy of $49,953,801
A 2025 County Expenditure of $91,005,029
The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 24/1204-1
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 275.065, the Truth in Taxation Public Hearing has been held at the Chisago County Government Center on December 4th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. and closed at 8:14 p.m.; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 275.065, the Chisago County Board of Commissioners must certify to the County Auditor the proposed tax levy for taxes; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 275.07, the Chisago County Board of Commissioners must certify its levy on or before five working days after December 20th in each year; and;
NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners have moved to adopt the recommended Gross Levy for 2025 of $49,953,801 a 5.72% increase over the 2024 levy, with overall 2025 expenditures of $91,005,029, a LID Levy of $393,770, with overall 2025 expenditures of $393,770;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners have moved to adopt the recommended 2025 Capital Improvement Plan of $3,309,298;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts its 2025 Annual Budget.
On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Montzka, the Board moved to approve by Board Resolution the 2025 LID Levy, as presented at tonight’s meeting to include:
A 2025 LID Levy of $393,770 and LID Budget of $393,770.
The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve the 2025 Aquatic Invasive Species Treatment and Education Grant Applications and Grant Agreements and award the ARPA funded Aquatic Invasive Species Treatment and Education Grants to each of the Lake Associations identified in Table 1: 2025 AIS Treatment and Education Grant Requests Received, subject to County Attorney review as to form.
The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
On motion by Greene, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to approve Resolution No. 24/1204-2, a Resolution of the County Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota, approving the Final Plat of Fjellansbole Acres generally located at 11293 335th Street in Chisago Lake Township, (PID # 02.00601.00). The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 24/1204-2
WHEREAS, property owners Alan Johnson & Marilyn Johnson and applicant Chris DuBose submitted a request for the Final Plat of Fjellansbole Acres on November 25, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the property owners wish to create one 7.2± acre lot from the 67.7± acre subject site; and
WHEREAS, the subject site is located at 11293 335th Street in Chisago Lake Township and is zoned Agricultural (AG) District; and
WHEREAS, the subject site is legally described as:
PID 02.00601.00
The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Lot 6, all in Section 17, Township 34, Range 20,
Also part of Lot 7 in Section 17, Township 34, Range 20, described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the quarter section post between Sections 17 and 18, Township 34, Range 20, variation 14° East, running thence south 45° East 9 chains and 50 links to the bank of Sunrise Lake, thence in a Northeasterly direction along the margin of said lake to the point where the quarter section line running east through Section 17 intersects the said lake, thence west along the quarter section line 13 chains and 90 links, to the point of beginning.
That part of Government Lots 6 and 7 of Section 17, Township 34, Range 20, described as follows:
Commencing at the quarter corner section post between Sections 17 and 18; thence North a distance of 800 feet along the section line; thence East, assumed bearing, a distance of 660 feet to the point of beginning, thence South, assumed bearing, for a distance of 528 feet, thence deflecting 45° East, continuing Southeasterly for a distance of 260 feet, more or less, to the lakeshore; thence Northeasterly along the lakeshore a distance of 780 feet, more or less, to the Southerly extension of the East line of Government Lot 6; thence North, along the East line of Government Lot 6 to a point East, assumed bearing, of the point of beginning; thence West, assumed bearing, a distance of 660 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and there ending.
That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4 of NW1/4) of Section 17, Township 34, Range 20, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of the NW1/4 of NW1/4, thence East along the North line of the NW1/4 of NW1/4, a distance of 350 feet which is the point of beginning, thence South and parallel to the West line of the NW1/4 of NW1/4 a distance of 306 feet; thence Northeasterly to a point on the East line of the NW1/4 of NW1/4, which is located 174 feet South of the Northeast corner of the NW1/4 of NW1/4, thence North along said East line a distance of 174 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence West on the North line of the NW1/4 of NW1/4 to the point of beginning.
WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat of Fjellansbole Acres was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on October 3, 2024 and approved by the Board of Commissioners on October 16, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the Final Plat submitted on November 25, 2024 generally conforms to the approved Preliminary Plat and meets all conditions of Preliminary Plat approval; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has provided the County title evidence in the form of a title policy dated October 9, 2024. The County Attorney’s Office has reviewed said title policy and the County Attorney’s Office has rendered an opinion that the title policy submitted satisfactorily demonstrates, as required by Section 3.07 of the Subdivision Ordinance, that fee title to the property subject to the application for Final Plat is in the name of Alan Johnson and Marilyn Johnson, as joint tenants, on whose behalf the application for Final Plat has been made.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota hereby approves the Final Plat of Fjellansbole Acres, subject to the following conditions:
1. The Final Plat of Fjellansbole Acres is approved as submitted on November 25, 2024. Any deviation from the approved plat drawing prior to recording shall require further review by the Planning Commission and approval by the County Board.
2. The applicant shall obtain all necessary and applicable permits from Federal, State, and County jurisdictions for any wetland impacts prior to commencement of development.
On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve Resolution No. 24/1204-3, a Resolution of the County Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota, approving the Final Plat of Winberg Addition generally located at 11290 Wilcox Rd., Sunrise Township, (PID # 09.00189.00 & 09.00078.00).
The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 24/1204-3
WHEREAS, property owner Joseph Winberg submitted a request for the Final Plat of Winberg Addition on November 22, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the property owner wishes to create two 5-acre lots from the combined 80± acre subject site; and
WHEREAS, the subject site includes two separate parcels, with one located at 11290 Wilcox Road and the other generally located north and northwest of 11290 Wilcox Road in Sunrise Township and is zoned Agricultural (AG) District; and
WHEREAS, the subject site is legally described as:
PIDs 09.00189.00 and 09.00078.00
The North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the North half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.
EXCEPT Parcel 11A described as follows: That part of Parcel 11A Chisago County Highway Right-Of-Way Plat No. 32, Lying northerly of the south line of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.
The South 2 rods of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.
The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.
WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on September 5, 2024 and approved by the Board of Commissioners on September 18, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the Final Plat submitted on November 22, 2024 generally conforms to the approved Preliminary Plat and meets all conditions of Preliminary Plat approval; and
WHEREAS, the Chisago County Attorney’s Office has reviewed title evidence in the form of a title policy and has provided a legal opinion that the title evidence in said title policy satisfactorily demonstrates that fee simple title to the subject property is in the name of the applicant / subdivider.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota hereby approves the Final Plat of Winberg Addition, subject to the following conditions:
3. The Final Plat of Winberg Addition is approved as submitted on November 22, 2024. Any deviation from the approved plat drawing prior to recording shall require further review by the Planning Commission and approval by the County Board.
4. The applicant shall obtain all necessary and applicable permits from Federal, State, and County jurisdictions for any wetland impacts prior to commencement of development.
5. Following completion of the Final Plat process, the property owner shall submit complete applications for Lot Reconfiguration and Tie Together in order to split the westerly 569.5’± of the easternmost portion of PID 09.00078.00 (that portion which has frontage on Lowden Avenue) and combine it with the 29±-acre remainder / exception area of PID 09.00189.00.
On motion by Montzka, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve the Swamp Lake Culvert Cleaning and Beaver Dam Removal quotes from Peterson Companies, Inc., totaling $12,680.00. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.
TIME – 8:25 p.m.
END TIME – 8:27 p.m.
# of SPEAKERS – 1
County Administrator Chase Burnham provided administrator updates and correspondence. No action was taken.
Several Commissioners offered reports of their respective committee assignments. No action was taken.
On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Swenson, the Board adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg OPPOSED: None.
Marlys Dunne, Chair
Christina Vollrath
Clerk of the Board
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