October 1, 2024 at 10:19 a.m.

2024 Chisago Lakes School Board Filing Statements


My name is Lori Berg and our Chisago Lakes Schools are where my heart is!

I am currently in my 2nd year as Chair and 20th year serving on the School Board. I am a parent of two C.L. grads and feel extremely proud of this school community and the staff and students who make up our Wildcat Nation.

For me, involvement in the schools is a family affair and began shortly after we moved here in 1998. My adult children, Mitch and Danielle, started in ECFE and LARA, and went on to participate in many sports and activities before graduating from Chisago Lakes High School. My husband, Doug, volunteered, coached and served on the LARA board, all while I volunteered, taught reading and math interventions, and served on advisory boards, PTO’s, playground committees and levy groups. We believe in supporting strong public schools and know that strong schools build strong communities.

Thanks to the hard work of awesome staff members and students, Chisago Lakes Schools are a shining star in the region and we have much to celebrate!

During the last few years, we have:

-Hired a skilled Superintendent along with many talented staff members.

-Supported research-based literacy instruction and training, establishing C.L. as a leader in literacy instruction.

-Overseen adjustments to the budget, while also supporting a study to determine our most pressing facility needs and the associated costs.

-Worked to get our employee contracts in line with comparable districts, allowing us to attract and retain the very best staff members.

In the near future, we will:

- Work with the community, under the direction of our Superintendent, to establish a new strategic plan for the district. This plan will provide focus and prioritization of resources, while incorporating input from the Chisago community.

-Focus on: Educational Quality, Community Engagement, Fiscal Responsibility and Policy Compliance.(See berg4chisagolakesschools.org for more details)

I hope my years of service affirm my care and commitment to our C.L. schools. In addition, I serve on various district and statewide committees focused on providing an excellent education for all children. If you would like to learn more about me, please talk to school and community members who have worked with me in various roles, or access my website at: berg4chisagolakesschools.org.

It has been a privilege to serve this amazing Wildcat community! I am asking for your support in this school board election as we keep moving forward together.


My name is Brenda Carlson and I am running for Chisago Lakes School Board.  I grew up in Center City and am an alumnus of Chisago Lakes Class of 1990.  The Chisago Lakes community has been part of my family’s lives for 70 plus years.  I am a third generation local business owner.  My grandparents and parents have instilled in me that you must give back to your community and never take out more then you give back.  I am currently in my 12th year of serving on the Chisago Lakes School Board and I take this position very seriously because I want all Chisago Lakes students to have the great experience that I was able to have. 

As a board member, I bring an open mind, a sense of collaboration, being a team player, a willingness to listen to multiple points of view, and understand the fear of the unknown.  These qualities will help the school board and myself make educated and sincere decisions that benefit the Chisago Lakes students and staff.  I have been involved with strategic planning, certified and non-certified negotiations, school board finance committee, facility planning committee, St. Croix River Educational District rep, and the Minnesota High School League school board rep. 

I also feel that my experience outside of the school board with 4-H, recreation and high school athletics, Chisago Lakes Rotary and Chisago Lakes Chamber has positively impacted my work on the school board.  Education has been a large part of my life.  My undergraduate and graduate degree gave me the opportunity to stay in education and teach at the college level. Being a member of the school board has allowed me to continue that path.   If re-elected, then I can continue to keep the students as the school board’s top priority.


My name is Jeff Lindeman and I am seeking your support as a CL School Board candidate for a second four year term. It has been my great privilege to serve the Chisago Lakes School District’s students, parents, staff, and community for the past 42 years. I taught 38 years as an agriscience teacher at CLHS and then I was elected to the CL School Board and have been  Vice-Chair the past two years. Collaboration, continued building of relationships, integrity, accountability, and service are values I intend to continue as school board member, if given the opportunity. I hope those qualities as well as my availability have been your experience with me these past four years.

I hold a B.S. Degree in Vocational Agriculture from UWRF, and a M.Ed. in Youth Development Leadership from the U of MN. My children were students at CLSD all of their Pre K - 12th grade education. My wife is a 38 year retired teacher from Forest Lake. My four grandchildren attend public school in Rochester where my son is a 7th grade English teacher. My daughter is the Director of Foss Swim School in Blaine. I also observe Agri-Science student teacher Candidates for the U of MN.

I love the Chisago Lakes area, the Chisago Lakes School District, including our communities that represent our schools. My past experiences as a teacher, a coach of many different sports-both boys and girls, and a CL Union President have given me a great understanding of how CLSD operates and what I have experienced has been especially helpful to make decisions as a school board member. Presently, I work with all the 11th grade students as a youth leader at Lakes Free Church in Lindstrom. I farm and own a landscape business and employ many students. I have a great respect for the farmers and business owners in the Chisago Lakes Area. This is a great place to live and raise children. I have seen first hand the support our communities give to our schools. I also am so grateful for the exemplary staff that work for the district on behalf of our students.

We have challenges ahead, let’s all work to solve these in a collaborative effort with a school board that represents your students and all the stakeholders. If you have questions of where I would stand in my representation of you, please feel free to contact me. My personal email address is [email protected] and phone number 651-303-1369

I want to thank you and am grateful for all of your support for me as a teacher and these past four years on the school board. I am seeking to serve you on the school board for another term. I would appreciate your vote and look forward to continuing listening, learning, and representing you as a member of the Chisago Lakes School Board.

Always a Wildcat!!!

Jeff Lindeman


My name is Aaron Olson and I’m running for Chisago Lakes School Board.  I've lived in Minnesota my whole life. My lovely wife, Ashley, and I moved to the Chisago Lakes area in 2014 to start a family.  We now have three small children; our oldest daughter is in third grade. Her younger brother and sister can't wait to grow up to be Wildcats, too!  I believe the Chisago Lakes area is the best place to live in Minnesota and want to ensure that all children in this community receive a high-quality education. 

As a school board member, one of my top priorities will be to focus on academic achievement. 

I'm currently a construction superintendent on large-scale commercial jobs, and I also own a small business. I believe in financial accountability, making sure every dollar is well spent. As a board member I will work towards competitive pay and benefits for all staff and bring budget transparency to our community. 

I will strongly advocate for parents' rights as they are the primary authority and educator for their children. I want our district to cultivate strong parent-teacher relationships and home/school collaboration. be respectful of teachers’ time so they can focus on classroom teaching, and give them the support they need when addressing disciplinary concerns.

Children, residents and teachers deserve a Board who will represent them, ask the inconvenient questions, challenge the status quo, and work to make this school district a highlight for prospective residents.


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