October 10, 2024 at 3:07 p.m.


(October 10, 2024)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Chisago County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at the Chisago County Government Center with the following Commissioners present: Jim Swenson, Rick Greene, Marlys Dunne, Ben Montzka, Dan Dahlberg. Also present: County Administrator Chase Burnham, County Attorney Janet Reiter, Assistant County Attorney Jeff Fuge, and Clerk of the Board Christina Vollrath.

The Chair called the meeting to order and led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Swenson offered a motion to approve the amended agenda. Motion seconded by Greene, the motion passed as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Greene, the Board opened the Road and Bridge Committee of the Whole at 6:31 p.m. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

The Board was given updates on the current projects of the Public Works Department from County Administrator Chase Burnham. No action was taken.

On motion by Greene, seconded by Montzka, the Board moved item 1 to the consent agenda. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Greene, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to close the Road and Bridge Committee of the Whole at 6:33 p.m. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

1) R&B Committee Recommendation – County Engineer’s Report
2) Minutes from the September 4, 2024, County Board of Commissioners Meeting
3) Payment of County’s Warrants and Miscellaneous Bills $590,735.42

Per Minnesota Statutes 375.1, proceedings of the County Board including a list of itemized accounts, claims or demands must be published in the official newspaper. The itemized list of claims is available for public review on the County website at https://www.chisagocounty.us/1197/Claims-Paid. Claims less than $2,000 are listed as a total dollar amount and notes the number of claims included in the total.

4) Credit Card Request – Dan Weber, IT Manager, Enterprise Services
5) 2024 Budget Adjustments – Statewide Housing Aid & Parks Acq. Fund SPT Seg. G
6) Citizen Appointment to Parks Board – District 4 – Jessica Bergan

Environmental Services Director Kurt Schneider presented the Board with the Director’s Report and action items. No action was taken.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve Resolution No. 24/0918-1, a Resolution of the County Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota, approving applicant Becky Meyer & Bill Lloyd Interim Use Permit (IUP) Amendment allowing adjusted conditions for their Commercial Kennel for pet boarding and day care on this 37.05± acre property. The subject site is located at 12690 St. Croix Trail / TH 95 in Sunrise Township (PID #09.00168.00).

RESOLUTION NO. 24/0918-1

WHEREAS, property owners Becky Meyer & William Lloyd submitted an application dated received July 31, 2024 and considered complete on August 1, 2024 for an Amendment to an Interim Use Permit allowing a Commercial Kennel on property located at 12690 St. Croix Trail / TH 95 in Sunrise Township; and

WHEREAS, the original Interim Use Permit was granted by the Chisago County Board of Commissioners on July 19, 2023 and the approval was filed by the Chisago County Recorder’s Office as Document #A669246; and

WHEREAS, the property owners wish to Amend the 2023 Interim Use Permit in order to change to the location and size of the outdoor fenced enclosure, change the type of fencing material used for the outdoor fenced enclosure, allow for the boarding of dogs within the dwelling, and allow for the commercial sales of pet boarding related products; and

WHEREAS, the 37.05± acre subject site is located in the Agricultural (AG) District and legally described as:

PID 09.00168.00
The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota EXCEPT that part described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 49 minutes 51 seconds East, assumed bearing along the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 600.42 feet; thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 146.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 49 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 179.33 feet; thence South 42 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 231.55 feet; thence South 00 degrees 49 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 250.00 feet to the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds East, along said South line, a distance of 300.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.

WHEREAS, notice was provided and on September 5, 2024 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing regarding this application, at which it heard from the Land Services Coordinator and the property owners, and invited members of the public to comment; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Interim Use Permit Amendment with Findings of Fact and conditions per Resolution No. PC2024-0903; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners considered the request and the Planning Commission’s recommendation at its September 18, 2024 meeting and made the following findings per Zoning Ordinance Section 8.04:

Factor #1 The [proposed action is consistent with the] Comprehensive Plan and development policies of the County;

Finding #1 The Chisago County Comprehensive Plan does not specifically address the proposed use; however, it does identify as an economic development goal that “The County should continue to allow agricultural activities and related agricultural businesses in the Agricultural zoning district.” The Chisago County Zoning Ordinance provides a number of varied land uses allowable in the Agricultural (AG) District, including the establishment of animal-keeping facilities such as farms with livestock and poultry, and commercial and residential kennels. Therefore, the County finds that the proposed use is consistent with the County’s development policies.

Factor #2 The proposed use will not create an excessive demand on existing parks, schools, streets and other public facilities and utilities which serve or are proposed to serve the area;

Finding #2 The previously approved 2023 Interim Use Permit for Commercial Kennel and the proposed Interim Use Permit Amendment will have no associated use of parks, schools, or other public facilities or utilities, and will not create any appreciable demand on St. Croix Trail / TH 95; therefore, the County finds that the proposed use will not create any increase or demand on these facilities or utilities.

Factor #3 The proposed use will be sufficiently compatible or separated by distance or screening from adjacent development or land so that existing development does not suffer undue negative impact and there will be no significant deterrence to future development;
Finding #3 The proposed use – including boarding shed and outdoor play area – is located no closer than approximately 390’ from any property boundary and there is well-established landscaping between the boarding shed and outdoor play area and the north, east, and southeast property boundaries (closest property boundaries). The County finds that distance, existing landscaping, required additional landscaping, installation of soundproofing insulation in the boarding shed, and implementation of quiet hours will mitigate potential negative impacts, such as noise, so as to neither cause undue negative impact nor deter future development.

Factor #4 The proposed use and site will have an appearance that will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent properties;

Finding #4 The proposed Commercial Kennel will utilize an existing 36’ x 80’ detached accessory structure for boarding shed purposes and an outdoor fenced enclosure / play area with a combined area of 6,556± sf. After reviewing the application materials and the Planning Commission having conducted a site visit on September 4, 2024, the County finds no evidence to suggest that the proposed use will have an appearance that will have an adverse effect upon adjacent properties. Further, the County finds that the appearance of the boarding shed and outdoor play area will have an appearance consistent with similar uses in the Agricultural (AG) District.

Factor #5 The proposed use, in the opinion of the County, is reasonably related to the overall land use goals of the County and to the existing land use;

Finding #5 The Chisago County Zoning Ordinance specifically allows Commercial Kennels as an Interim Use in the Agricultural (AG) District; therefore, the County finds that the proposed use is in compliance with land use goals and regulations established by the County’s official land use controls.

Factor #6 The proposed use is consistent with the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of the zoning district in which the applicant intends to locate the proposed use;

Finding #6 See Finding #5.

Factor #7 The proposed use will not cause traffic hazard or congestion; and

Finding #7 Because the previously approved Commercial Kennel / proposed use is located on a property immediately adjacent to a well-
established, well-maintained, and highly traveled State Highway (TH 95) with an unobstructed line of site from the end of the driveway to the west and east, the County finds that the proposed use will not cause an appreciable increase in traffic levels or traffic hazards / congestion.

Factor #8 The proposed use will not adversely impact existing nearby properties by intrusion of noise, glare or general unsightliness.

Finding #8 While there is no indication that the proposed use will adversely impact nearby properties in terms of glare or general unsightliness, the County received public comment during the original 2023 Interim Use Permit process from at least one adjacent property owner expressing concerns about potential noise pollution. The County found in 2023, and continues to find, that noise resulting from the Commercial Kennel can be mitigated with distance, maintenance of existing landscaping, installation of additional landscaping, installation of soundproofing insulation in the boarding shed, and implementation of quiet hours. If these measures are implemented, the County finds that the proposed use will not adversely impact nearby properties by intrusion of noise, glare or general unsightliness.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota hereby approves the request for Interim Use Permit Amendment, subject to the following conditions:

1. This Interim Use Permit (IUP) Amendment supersedes the IUP granted by the Chisago County Board of Commissioners on July 19, 2023 (original IUP) which granted approval for a Commercial Kennel on property located at 12690 St. Croix Trail in Sunrise Township (recorded as Document No. A669246). This Amendment provides modifications to certain aspects of the 2023 approval, including a change to the location and size of the outdoor fenced enclosure and a change to the type of fencing material used for the outdoor fenced enclosure, and allowance for the boarding of dogs within the dwelling and for the commercial sales of pet boarding related products to customers.

2. This Interim Use Permit for Commercial Kennel allows for the boarding and day care of no more than twenty (20) boarded dogs at any given time and no more than thirty (30) boarded animals at any given time, including but not limited to dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs, as specifically described in the application materials dated received May 30, 2023 (original IUP) and July 31, 2024 (IUP Amendment) and kept on file with the Department of Environmental Services.

3. The Commercial Kennel shall be allowed to operate seven days a week with animal drop-off occurring between 7:00 am and 10:00 am and pick-up occurring between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm, or by appointment only.

4. No commercial activity, apart from the boarding and day care of animals as described above and the sale of pet boarding related items such as pet food and treats, water, branded apparel and items, and pet care items to Commercial Kennel customers, shall be permitted. No sales of pet boarding related items shall be made to the general public. The Commercial Kennel shall not operate as a shelter or rescue facility, and animal breeding is prohibited.

5. All animals shall be housed indoors (boarding shed or dwelling), apart from brief periods of time for waste elimination and outdoor activity in which the animals will be confined to a fenced enclosure or leashed and handled by the permit holder, employee, or animal owner. In addition to other animals as described in condition no. 2 above, no more than 10 dogs shall be boarded within the dwelling at any given time. Use of the boarding shed for Commercial Kennel purposes shall not preclude the boarding of dogs within the dwelling.

6. All animal waste shall be collected daily and disposed of in a legal and appropriate manner on the property so as to avoid undue odor or other negative impacts.

7. The permit holder shall control the barking of dogs to the best of their ability while outdoors to avoid undue negative impact to nearby properties. At no time shall any dog barking activity exceed twenty (20) continuous minutes with less than thirty (30) seconds between each dog bark. Any more than twenty (20) minutes of continuous barking shall be silenced immediately by the permit holder or employee. Further, the permit holder or employee shall accompany and provide direct supervision of any animal(s) while outdoors.

Outdoor activity in the fenced enclosure is limited to no more than 10 dogs at a time in outdoor pen. If more than 10 dogs on site, limited to 50% plus 1 in outdoor pen at a time.

8. Any time an animal is on site for boarding or day care, the permit holder or employee must be present.

9. To mitigate potential adverse impacts related to noise, the permit holder shall implement the following noise mitigation measures:

a. All portions of the boarding shed which house dogs shall be fully insulated with ROCKWOOL Safe ‘n’ Sound, or equivalent, soundproofing insulation.

b. The permit holder shall not cause any existing landscaping (trees) located between the boarding shed or outdoor play area and the north, east and southeast property boundaries to be removed.

c. The permit holder shall plant a mix of viburnum, spruce and deciduous trees adjacent to the east side of the outdoor fenced enclosure. The plantings shall be installed prior to the Commercial Kennel opening for business.

d. The required fence shall be installed prior to any boarding of animals. The 12-gauge coated welded wire fence shall be maintained in good repair.

e. The permit holder shall implement “quiet hours” in which no animals are allowed outdoors before 7:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m., aside from brief periods of time for waste elimination.

f. The boarding shed shall be both heated and cooled.

10. The permit holder may employ up to two additional employees to be present at any given time.

11. The permit holder shall comply with all relevant Minnesota Statutes and Rules regarding animal welfare and humane standards.

12. Annual certification of the Interim Use Permit is required. The permit holder shall notify the County annually that the activity permitted by the Interim Use Permit is ongoing and the activities being conducted continue to adhere to the conditions of approval. Failure to maintain certification may be a basis to revoke the Interim Use Permit. The property shall be made open and available for regular inspection at any time during reasonable hours by the Chisago County Department of Environmental Services and/or any duly authorized law enforcement agency.

13. This Interim Use Permit shall expire at such time that the property is no longer owned and occupied by Becky Meyer and/or William (Bill) Lloyd.

14. Any expansion of the use, including footprint of the boarding shed and/or outdoor play area or the number of animals, shall only be allowed upon further review by the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Commissioners by way of an Interim Use Permit Amendment.

15. Violations of the conditions contained herein shall be cause for the revocation of the Interim Use Permit upon action of the County Board.

The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve Resolution No. 24/0918-2, a Resolution of the County Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota, approving the Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition generally located at 11290 Wilcox Rd., Sunrise Township, (PID # 09.00189.00 & 09.00078.00).

RESOLUTION NO. 24/0918-2

WHEREAS, property owner Joseph Winberg submitted an application dated received July 18, 2024 and considered complete on July 25, 2024 for the Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition; and

WHEREAS, the property owner wishes to create two 5-acre lots from the combined 80± acre subject site; and

WHEREAS, the subject site includes two separate parcels, with one located at 11290 Wilcox Road and the other generally located north and northwest of 11290 Wilcox Road in Sunrise Township and is zoned Agricultural (AG) District; and

WHEREAS, the subject site is legally described as:

PIDs 09.00189.00 and 09.00078.00
The North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the North half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.

EXCEPT Parcel 11A described as follows: That part of Parcel 11A Chisago County Highway Right-Of-Way Plat No. 32, Lying northerly of the south line of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.


The South 2 rods of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.


The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 35, Range 20, Chisago County, Minnesota.

WHEREAS, notice was provided and on September 5, 2024 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing regarding this application, at which it heard from the Land Services Coordinator and the property owner, and invited members of the public to comment; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition with conditions per Resolution No. PC2024-0901; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners considered the request for Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition and the Planning Commission’s recommendation at its September 18, 2024 meeting and determined the plat to be consistent with the intent of the County’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota hereby approves the Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition, subject to the following conditions:

1. The Preliminary Plat of Winberg Addition is approved per plat drawing dated signed July 16, 2024. Any significant deviation from the approved plat drawing, except as noted herein and as determined by the Department of Environmental Services, shall require further review by the Planning Commission and approval by the County Board.

2. The property owner shall obtain all necessary and applicable permits from Federal, State, and County jurisdictions for any wetland impacts prior to commencement of development.

3. Request for Final Plat shall be submitted within one year of Preliminary Plat approval unless an extension of time is requested by the property owner and/or applicant and granted by the County Board upon recommendation of the Planning Commission.

4. Following completion of the Final Plat process, the property owner shall submit complete applications for Lot Reconfiguration and Tie Together in order to split the westerly 569.5’± of the easternmost portion of PID 09.00078.00 (that portion which has frontage on Lowden Avenue) and combine it with the 29±-acre remainder / exception area of PID 09.00189.00.

The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve Resolution No. 24/0918-3, a Resolution of the County Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota, approving the extension of the application deadline for the Final Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages located at the NW corner of Rush Lake Trail / CSAH 1 and Belle Isle Drive (PID 06.00235.20) in Nessel Township.

RESOLUTION NO. 24/0918-3

WHEREAS, property owner / subdivider Carol Hauglie submitted an application dated received September 27, 2023 and considered complete on October 3, 2023 for the Preliminary Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages; and

WHEREAS, the property owner desires to create six buildable parcels from the 28.20± acre subject site; and

WHEREAS, the subject site is generally located at the northwest corner of Rush Lake Trail / CSAH 1 and Belle Isle Drive in Nessel Township and is zoned Rural Residential II (RRII) District; and

WHEREAS, the subject site is legally described as:

PID 06.00235.20
That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 11, Township 37, Range 22, Chisago County, Minnnesota lying West of the centerline of Chisago County Road No. 1 as laid out and traveled August 14, 2003.

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages with conditions per Resolution No. PC2023-1102; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners considered the request for Preliminary Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages and the Planning Commission’s recommendation at its November 15, 2023 meeting and determined the plat to be consistent with the intent of the County’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners approved the Preliminary Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages with conditions per Resolution No. 23/1115-4; and

WHEREAS, the Chisago County Subdivision Ordinance and Resolution No. 23/1115-4 require that the subdivider submit request for Final Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages within one year of Preliminary Plat approval unless an extension of time is requested by the subdivider and granted by the County Board upon recommendation of the Planning Commission; and

WHEREAS, property owner / subdivider Carol Hauglie submitted a written request dated August 14, 2024 for a one-year extension for submission of the Final Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered this request on September 5, 2024 and heard from the Land Services Coordinator; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested extension with conditions per Resolution No. PC2024-0904; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners considered the request for extension and the Planning Commission’s recommendation at its September 18, 2024 meeting.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Chisago County, Minnesota hereby approves the request for extension, subject to the following conditions:

5. The subdivider’s request for a one-year extension for the submission of the Final Plat of Autumn Woods Cottages is approved, requiring that the request for Final Plat be submitted by November 15, 2025 rather than November 15, 2024.

6. The Final Plat shall be subject to all previously adopted conditions provided in Resolution No. 23/1115-4, with the exception of condition no. 4.

The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve the Agreement by and between Chisago County and WSB LLC, in support of the Chisago Lakes Lake Improvement District 2024 LAB to LAKES Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center project as presented. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Greene, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to accept the September 11th Budget and Finance Report and approve the recommendation of the 2025 Preliminary Budget and Levy among of $49,953,801 or an increase of 5.72% more than the 2024 Levy.

RESOLUTION NO. 24/0918-4

WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 275.065, the Chisago County Board of Commissioners must certify to the County Auditor the proposed tax levy for taxes; and

NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners have moved to adopt the recommended Preliminary Levy for 2025 of $49,953,801 with overall 2025 expenditures of $91,793,150;

NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners have moved to adopt the recommended Preliminary LID Levy for 2025 of $393,770;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners hereby establishes Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 at 7:00 PM as the date and time for public review of and comment on the proposed Final 2025 Levy and Annual Budget.

The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to establish Wednesday, December 4th, 2024, at 7:00 PM as the date and time required for public review of and comment on the Proposed 2025 Annual Budget & Final 2025 Levy. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve the HRA-EDA Levy and Budget FY 2025. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve the 2025 Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety Towards Zero Deaths Enforcement Grant and authorize Sergeant Kyle Puelston as the Sheriff’s Office authorized representative. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve the acceptance of the Office of Traffic Safety – DWI Traffic Safety Officer Grant and authorize Captain Andrew Mahowald as the Sheriff’s Office authorized representative. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve the Contract between Lauren Moberg and Chisago County. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve the Minnesota Department of Health Community Health Board Grant Project Agreement Title V Maternal Child Health Block grant. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Greene, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to approve the MN Department of Health Project Agreement Amendment for the Follow Along Program. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board moved to approve the appointment of Matthew Weiseman to the Chisago County Opioid Settlement Advisory Council. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Swenson, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to list the ‘Old Jail’ site for sale for $750,000 by the Chisago County HRA-EDA.
The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Montzka, seconded by Swenson, the Board moved to approve connecting the Fire Panel in the Chisago County Government Center to cellular monitoring using 2024 unallocated CIP funds. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Greene, seconded by Dahlberg, the Board moved to approve final payment for the CSAH 23/CSAH 24 Roundabout Project.

The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

On motion by Greene, seconded by Montzka, the Board moved to approve the Knights of Columbus’ application to conduct a raffle at their event on January 7, 2025.

RESOLUTION NO. 24/0918-5

WHEREAS, the Chisago County Board of Commissioners has been presented with a request for lawful gambling within Chisago County; and

WHEREAS, the application was complete, included all necessary documentation, appears in accordance with County Policies and the facility owners are in good standing with the County;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and authorizes submission to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board an application to conduct a raffle at St. Joesph Church located at 490 Bench Street, Taylors Falls, MN 55084.

The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

TIME – 7:40 p.m.
END TIME – 7:40 p.m.
# of SPEAKERS – 0

County Administrator Burnham provided administrative updates. No action was taken.

Several Commissioners offered reports of their respective committee assignments. No action was taken.

On motion by Dahlberg, seconded by Greene, the Board adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. The motion carried as follows: IN FAVOR THEREOF: Swenson, Greene, Dunne, Montzka, Dahlberg. OPPOSED: None.

Marlys Dunne

Attes: Christina Vollrath , Clerk of the Board


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