February 21, 2025 at 3:20 p.m.
Pickleball players support Vets’ Memorial
A number of pickleball players, age 16 and older, got the indoor North Branch pickleball courts to themselves Saturday, on a frigid winter day. The Junior ROTC group at North Branch High School helped out with tourney set-up, equipment and record-keeping. The morning was set aside for novice pickleball players and more advanced players took the gym floor at mid-day. The $30 registration fee/donation went towards the North Branch Veterans’ Memorial project “Circle of Honor” planned for construction in Central Park. (see graphic) There is a fundraising drive on-going with a goal of $500,000.
The district did not charge a use fee for the facility. The Cambridge Pickleball Association, North Branch Beautification Association, North Branch Legion Post/Auxiliary volunteers and Community Education were active behind the scenes. Various players are pictured, with top point getters in the photo standing side-by-side. Memorial site is shown above.
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