Denise Martin

Recent Stories

Chisago County Board approves much-discussed events venue in Franconia Twsp. on 3-2 vote

On a split vote the county commissioners last week approved a controversial wedding and events venue in Franconia Township.
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Lakes Area P.D. budget up 8.8%

The Lakes Area Police department’s budget is proposed to need an increase of $174,000 in operating and non-operational expenses for 2025. If the city councils adopt the budget as-is, taxpayers residing in Lindstrom and Chisago City would be covering an approximate $79,000 each with additional revenues coming in through non-property tax sources.
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Stacy Daze Grand Marshals are familiar faces

Stacy Daze is August 2-4 and the community is paying tribute to longtime, much loved local businesspersons Donna and Jim Keacher as parade Grand Marshals.

Vocational skills training site gets early ok in North Branch

The application for the city of North Branch to review and consider a training facility for construction laborers, got the okay to move forward from the city planning commission in a special session Monday this week. The planning commission was supportive of having a locally-based training site for those going into careers that call for skills in heavy equipment use, wind turbine and solar repair and installation and many other vocational-related fields.

North Branch Council ok’s water billing expense; SRO contract is revised

The North Branch City Council meeting last week got off on an official foot, with the swearing in of a city administrator, Linda Woulfe, hired until a permanent full time administrator has been secured. City Clerk Ragini Varma administered the oath.
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Unmanned aerials -- drones -- coming to Lakes Area P.D.

Unmanned aerial vehicles—more commonly known as drones, are soon becoming part of the arsenal of investigative equipment used by Lakes Area Police.

Cannabis rules coming soon

Rules are starting to take shape for the fast-approaching marijuana industry in Minnesota. Local officials have opted for either; pacing their jurisdiction to not accept applications (moratorium) for retail until the end of the year (see Wyoming City Council story this week) or townships mostly are waiting for the county to take the lead.

Wyoming City Council enacts moratorium on cannabis-based businesses to year’s end

Hemp-derived businesses and cannabis based enterprises are going to have to wait a while longer to set up shop in the city of Wyoming. The city council members voted at their July 2 council meeting to halt applications for permit consideration at least into November.

First round of Opioid Action Council grants approved

The Opioid Action Council for Chisago County recommended a half-dozen grants to be awarded from pharmaceutical company lawsuit settlement funds, and the county commissioners unanimously supported the group’s advice. In total this round of grants distributes $229,000.
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Special Lindstrom meeting held to get consensus on apartments

A Lindstrom City Council thumbs-up will give an apartment complex the support it needs to advance in a competitive housing tax credit program the developers will be applying for.

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