November 22, 2023 at 10:34 a.m.
State aid roads reviewed, council sets new 2024 meeting day and time
Lindstrom City Council voted 5-0 last week to affirm a denial of a rezoning request. Council had expressed opposition to the application in October and asked for a worded resolution with findings to support the denial for Luke Anderson’s residential rezoning. He had sought to rezone from single family to R2 property, on Lindstrom Lane.
Council also heard from City Engineer Jon Herdegen about state aid street designation and approved a map of qualifying segments of roads that will be in the plan and the city can use state money to repair and maintain.
Herdegen explained that Lindstrom has surpassed the 5,000 population threshhold to receive state aid and the approximately five miles of allowed street footage need to be identified by council action. The state aid map can be revised annually.
City Administrator Dan Undem said there are no “state aid” projects slated for the coming year, yet.
Council asked about 316th, which was omitted. The right of way for the roadway that goes from North Lakes Trail to Lincoln Trail is not wholly within the city borders and so it does not qualify. The city only has half the surface (to the centerline) and the other part is in Chisago Lake Township.
Council certified $115,000 in seriously delinquent sewer and water nonpayments to the tax rolls. The county adds the delinquencies and interest to property tax. Eventually, when a parcel is sold, the city then collects its sewer and water billings.
The meeting date will change in 2024.
Lindstrom has met the third Thursday of each month for its regular council session for years...and by request of newly-seated Brian Norelius, this was changed on a 4-1 vote to the third Wednesday. David Waldoch was the no vote.
Council member Norelius said Tuesdays and Thursdays are typically when youth sports happen and he has two youth involved in sports. Council meets at 7 p.m. and games/tournaments also are scheduled during this time. Norelius added that when he was campaigning he heard from people who potentially would look into getting involved in local government but had conflicts with the meeting schedules.
Everyone is reminded to attend the Open House on the budget November 30, at city hall. There will be Q and A opportunities, presentations on the street plan, parks, etc. Citizens will be able to express their priority issues they want addressed. The city council adopts a final 2024 levy and budget in December.
There is a holiday tree lighting celebration December 2.
The gathering is in Memorial Park (next to the Chamber building at the Veterans Memorial) and features reindeer, Santa and Mrs Claus, refreshments, student musicians and more.
Come and go as you like from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Santa generally shows up around sunset.
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