May 17, 2024 at 3:24 p.m.
Northern lights were beautiful? Lots of fun coming this weekend
Did you get swept up with the northern lights this past weekend? Maybe my eyes are getting bad in my old age, but every time we went out to look at the lights, it just looked like dark streaks stretching across the sky. Come to find out, the next day there were absolutely stunning pictures littering social media, lights with brilliant pink and blue hues.. Then I am told that the lights were seen better through the lens of the camera on your phone...excuse me? So we are supposed to get excited about taking a picture of something we can’t see but when we take a photo we are supposed to brag and share our amazing photos that we were so lucky to be part of? What am I missing here? Maybe I am old fashioned, but when I look at old photos of me wearing bell bottom jeans with my sweet bowl cut hairdo, I remember being there and sadly living it. I could just google northern lights on my phone and take a screen shot.... ahh remember when we didn’t see this? It was such a fun night...
Saturday you are invited to Winehaven for their very popular Tap the Barrel event. The event runs Saturday and Sunday and features new wines freshly tapped and my favorite, wine slushies. They will have live music, tours of the vineyard as well as craft vendors. Admission is free - we will see you out there.
This Saturday at Chisago Lakes High School, they will be holding the annual Farm City Days. You will find live farm animals, a crane truck, all kinds of tractors along with games, a food truck and ice cream. The younger kids and kids such as myself really enjoy seeing the farm equipment up close so bring your cameras. The event runs from 10am to 2pm.
Oh, did I mention the greenhouse is now open at the high school? Two birds...
Thank you all for sending in your blue renewal cards. If you have yet to send yours in, please do so. We will allow a bit of overlap before we are forced to cut off the non-payers. I have said it a million times, it is you the readers that make us want to come to work every week. Without you we don’t, nor do we want, to exist. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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