January 17, 2025 at 10:18 a.m.
Shafer OK’s 3.5% COLA; ice rink plan
Shafer City Council held its first meeting of the year January 7. Newly elected Rebecca Henderson (pictured right) was sworn in. Marilyn Anderson who was also elected in November was unable to attend the meeting and will be sworn in at the next meeting.
The council began the meeting with discussion about COLA or cost of living adjustments. City finance director Richard Hill told the council this has been normal protocol for Shafer Council and if agreed upon, no increases would begin in the second quarter of 2025. Considering surrounding municipalities COLA increases, council member Patty Mattson said she would like to see an increase of 3.5 to 5 percent “to make sure we keep the great employees we have now.” Council member Nick Brehm reminded the council employees were given raises just a few months ago and that he would be in favor of a 3.5 percent increase. Hill told the council it was up to them but increases were in the budget. Council agreed upon a 3.5 percent increase with job reviews scheduled in the near future to potentially increase that number.
Council then heard from James Rochford. Rochford let the council know his company was hired to fix the dilapidated billboard on the east side of town along Highway 8. Rochford was asking permission from the council to park his work vehicles along Red Wing Avenue next to the ball field. The council informed Rochford that the street is a county road and he would need permission from the county. Rochford then asked if it would be possible to park in the ball field itself. Council then informed him the ball field is owned by Shafer Contracting and he would need permission from them.
The council then approved the appointment of Patti Kowalski (former council member) to the planning commission and to the parks board.
Council then made their committee appointments as follows: Assistant Mayor - Nick Brehm, Parks Committee - Patty Mattson and Rebecca Henderson, Events Committee - Patty Mattson and Rebecca Henderson. Planning Commission Paula Hanson and Nick Brehm, EDA - Patty Mattson and Rebecca Henderson, Street Commission - Nick Brehm and Paula Hanson, Public Works Committee - Paula Hanson and Nick Brehm, Finance Committee - Paula Hanson and Nick Brehm, HR Committee - Paula Hanson and Patty Mattson, JP Library - Paula Hanson, Ordinance Committee - Nick Brehm and Marilyn Anderson, JP Fire Department- Nick Brehm and Paula Hanson, Highway 8 Task Force - Patty Mattson and Marilyn Anderson, Cable Commission - Patty Mattson, and Wellhead Protection team - Marilyn Anderson. Campbell Knutson will be the city attorney, ISG - city engineer and MidwestOne will be the official depository.
In the engineers report city engineer Jake Guzik told the council he is having trouble contacting Osseo Contracting about issues at the water tower. Several welds have come loose on interior raceways in the tower. The city still has money in escrow for the project and there are still a few sub contractors that have not been paid by Osseo Contracting. Guzik reminded the council the project was bonded and any sub contractors seeking payment should contact the bonding company.
Maintenance supervisor Dan Cooper told the council the ice rink should be completely flooded and ready for skating by January 11.
Council adjourned at 6:31 p.m.
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