Shafer City Council discusses code violations with deputy, lift station issues with public works, ok’s new GPS tracker
Shafer City Council held a regular meeting January 21. All members were present. The council swore in new member Marilyn Anderson before the meeting began.
This community is so amazing
Don’t ever let it be said this community isn’t compassionate. For years you have been donating to help clothe the homeless in our state. We have groups that spend their free time making quilts for those in need, we have some truly great food shelves in our county that are fortified by your giving. Well, this past Christmas you outdid yourselves. There has always been a Salvation Army red kettle at Brink’s Market during the holidays, which people are great, at throwing in money on their way in or out. But this year, this year the kettle collected an amazing $18,856! Are you kidding me? I am at a loss for words.
Stacy Council talks well, compost site
Stacy City Council met January 14 for a regular meeting. The council swore in new council member Mike Hoppe along with Dennis Thieling and Mayor Mark Utecht.
Shafer OK’s 3.5% COLA; ice rink plan
Shafer City Council held its first meeting of the year January 7. Newly elected Rebecca Henderson (pictured right) was sworn in. Marilyn Anderson who was also elected in November was unable to attend the meeting and will be sworn in at the next meeting.
At least Sundays are free now
Well I would love to be sitting here writing about the Vikings’ win over the Los Angeles Rams Monday night. Once again, the week is Groundhog Day as it has been the last what seems like every year of my life. I had no expectations heading into the game but to go out like that was enough for the consumption of four Rolaids for yours truly. I do believe this team is on the right trajectory and our quarterback for this was hopefully standing on the sidelines. With what little they went with into the season, compared to the 14 wins they had, I would say watching the games were very entertaining at least.
Skating at my age? Good grief
If you get the Press delivered to you, you may be reading this a day late. The USPS closed in honor of the day of mourning for the late President Jimmy Carter. I will admit I am on the fringe of being too young to remember and appreciate the former President. But as the tributes roll in from around the country, it is obvious he made an impact in this country and the world as well.
Register for business show now
Our community lost a good one over the holidays. Local attorney Tim Peterson sadly passed away. I have known Tim for quite a long time and he will be greatly missed. It took me years to figure Tim out. I would bump into him here and there and try to liven the conversation up with a joke and the best I could get was just a crack of a smile. But then when I really took in his conversations, I realized he was absolutely hilarious - but his wry humor was hidden away.
Stacy City Council moves street improvements forward; discusss possibilites with well house number one
Stacy City Council met December 10 for a regular meeting. Council member Dennis Thieling was absent.
Drone for Christmas? Maybe not
Thanks so much to the folks at Lindstrom’s First United Methodist Church for putting on the annual Living Nativity last Saturday evening. We took in the early show and crowd numbers seemed a little low. We did have freezing rain for a good chunk of Saturday so maybe people were playing it safe. Anyway, the show was amazing and there is nothing better to get you in the Christmas spirit that is the story of Jesus.
Shafer Council passes cannabis ordinances; adjusts contested fees
Shafer City Council met December 3 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
Lighting events this week
If you were one of the brave who toughed it out taking in the Taylors Falls Lighting Festival, you enjoyed one of the best parades I can remember. It was considerably longer than ever and the crowd size was immense. Despite having some very cold fingers, we had a great time at the event. Taylors Falls does an absolutely wonderful job with the Lighting Festival and all involved deserve a huge thank you.

A half-century of Taylors Falls service
As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, in Taylors Falls the season has long been linked with the Lions Club. Whether it be community bingo, the Lighting Festival, or Wannigan Days, the Lions presence is a certainty.
Lindstrom tackles cannabis, exterior building material
Lindstrom City Council met November 20 for a regular meeting.
Stacy City Council briefs......
Stacy City Council met November 12 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
Bingo, bingo everywhere
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. If you are going to be alone this Thanksgiving, you don’t have to be. The good folks at Chisago Lake Lutheran Church in Center City invite any and all to come enjoy Thanksgiving with them and others. The meal is free and features all of the wonderful traditional turkey meal fixings. I have assisted with the meal in the past, and I have to be honest, that meal looked more appealing then some we have traveled to with family. You are asked to please make reservations by November 25 so they know how much to prepare. You can contact them at 651-257-6300 or email them at [email protected].
Center City Council discusses dog licensees, fire damaged property
Center City Council met November 6 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
Give to Max Day, thanks Vets
November 21 is Give to the Max Day. This is a day when thousands of donors across Minnesota rally around their favorite charities by making gifts through GiveMN to increase the wellbeing of our communities. The event began in 2009 and raised $14 million in 24 hours. Since then the event has raised over $300 million for charities- nonprofits and schools.
Cast your vote this Saturday
If you had planned on voting early like me and just can’t seem to make it work with your busy schedule, you are in luck. This Saturday, the Government center in Center City will be open for early voting. You can cast your ballot from 9am to 3pm. There are plenty of signs directing you to the correct area.
Lindstrom Council briefs...
Lindstrom City Council met October 16 for a regular meeting. Council member Dave Waldoch was absent.
Stacy City Council has full agenda last week
Stacy City Council met October 8 for a regular meeting. All members were present. The council opened the meeting with public comment. Resident Paul Wagner who resides along Hemingway Avenue asked the council what their policy is on replacing damaged mailboxes due to snow plowing. Wagner claims he has had three boxes ruined in the last three years when in Lent Township. Wagner said he was promised the township would take care of the matter but never did. The council assured Wagner the city public works will not avoid him and if he is ignored, Mayor Mark Utecht told Wagner to contact him directly.
Shafer City Council briefs
Shafer City Council met October 1 for a regular meeting. Council member Nick Brehm was absent.
Waffles and pizza - the best
In last week's edition of the Press we had a page dedicated to the Chisago Lakes Area Foundation grants given out at their annual Oktoberfest celebration.
Stacy City Council briefs...
Stacy City Council met September 10 for a regular meeting, all members were present with 11 residents also attending.
Thanks for the celebrations!
Well I think that is about it for town celebrations. Shafer held the annual Shafer Days celebration last Friday and Saturday, Wyoming held its Stagecoach Days over the weekend and Almelund hosted the very popular Apple Festival on Sunday. The weather was spectacular with the exception of a very brief shower on Saturday.
Shafer City Council briefs....
Shafer City Council met September 3 for a regular meeting. Council member Nick Brehm was absent.

Center City Council adopts levy
Center City Council met September 3 for a regular meeting. All members were present with two visitors in the audience.
So much to do this weekend!
This weekend is Shafer Days and Apple Fest. Oh and did I mention Stagecoach Days in Wyoming?
Summer is (gulp) over? Still fun events to take in locally
Schools are officially back in session....where on earth did the summer go? It was just yesterday I was writing about the dire lake levels and wondering if we would be walking across the dried lake beds... Thankfully Mother Nature took care of us and the lakes came up to good levels.
Lindstrom Council hears residents’ concerns, no action yet on building height standard
Lindstrom City Council met August 21 for a regular meeting. Council member Brian Norelius was absent.
St. Bridget’s block party is this weekend, food advice for Fair
Thanks so much to all who attended the Relay for Life at Chisago Lake Lutheran Church Friday evening. The group of people who put all of the hours in year round, to make this such a great event are one of a kind. This was the first year in as long as I can remember that I couldn’t make the relay, so I was pretty bummed-out. But the event from what I am told was fantastic, as usual.
Stacy Council sets September 18 for clean up day, property line dispute required to get survey
Stacy City Council met August 14 for a regular meeting, all members were present. City engineer Dan Boyum was absent.
Ki Chi Saga from a different perspective, Relay for Life
Wow what a great weekend for Ki Chi Saga Days! Other than a tad bit of rain Saturday morning, the weather was perfect. We took in a bunch of different events at Ki Chi Saga Days including some music in the park which was fabulous. There were people everywhere. The fireworks were great at Paradise Park per usual.
Center City tackles mostly public works topics
Center City Council met August 6 for a regular meeting. All members were in attendance. Mayor Jill Behnke told the council she spoke with the DNR and signed the contract for the new fishing pier. Behnke said it sounds like the new one will be installed after Labor Day.
Ki Chi Saga Days has all you could possibly need for fun
Thanks to all the volunteers that made this year’s threshing show such a success. This was one of the most well attended shows in recent history and everybody was having a great time.
Threshing Show is this weekend, what are they doing at the motel?
Over the weekend, I visited Stacy Daze a couple of times and let me just say - wow. That was the most people I can remember at Stacy Daze. The city was packed! The park was packed with people all weekend whether it was for the talent show or the massive car display or live music, there were people everywhere. Congrats to the City of Stacy on a wonderful event that didn’t let a little rain on Saturday get in the way.
Center City Days was great, here come Stacy Daze to entertain us
Thanks so much to the organizers who once again put on a great Center City Days. The weather was beautiful and the crowds were plenty. Our area basically has a celebration every weekend of the summer. The great thing is that each one of them offers something different.
Lindstrom Council briefs.......
Lindstrom City Council met July 18 for a regular meeting. All members were present with council member Brian Norelius attending via zoom.
Stacy City Council OKs fireworks with reduced wind-testing prior
Stacy City Council met July 9 for a regular meeting, all members were present.
Karl Oskar Days was fantastic, Wannigan Days this weekend
What a fantastic weekend it was for Karl Oskar Days! Except for 30 minutes of rain that unfortunately cancelled the Loppet; but other than that, it was smooth sailing. Crowds were huge, and the parks with the vendors were packed. The parade had beautiful weather and the streets were lined with parade goers.
Center City Council gets bike trail update, water tower clean-up set
Center City Council met July 2 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
Shafer City Council briefs
Shafer City Council met July 2 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
Here comes Karl Oskar Days, make your plans now
One little bit of “Matt negativity” before I move on to Karl Oskar Days. What is with the people who use those disposable dental floss picks and then decide the rest of us want to look down and see them all over the place? My lord that is so gross I can’t begin to tell you how much it turns my stomach.
Happy 4th of July! On to one of our largest celebrations - KOD
I hope you and yours had an amazing Fourth of July. Judging by the boat traffic on all of the lakes, it looks like people are taking the entire week to celebrate the Fourth. We drove past the channel a couple of times, and there was always a boat either coming or going to North Lindstrom. It would be amazing if the water levels could remain this high so the five lakes could be navigated all summer long.
Lindstrom council hears from citizens, MnDOT, OK’s sewer truck purchase
Lindstrom City Council met June 20 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
Midsummer Days deserves many thanks, get your detective hat on
Thanks so much to the good folks that worked so hard to make North Branch Midsummer Days so great this year.
Stacy City Council discuss cannabis in public places, creating committee
Stacy City Council met June 11 for a regular meeting, all members were present.
Midsummer Days invites you to come have some local fun
This week, the city of North Branch and the North Branch American Legion Post 85 would love it if you and your family and friends would come to the 98th annual Midsummer Days celebration. The celebration began on Wednesday and runs through Sunday. Beginning today, the carnival opens up at 4pm in Central Park. Back at the Legion, there is Bingo under the tent. These happen in two hour increments and run 10am, noon and 2 pm. There is a $500 jackpot for 57 numbers covered. Following Bingo, there is a meat raffle inside the bar at 5pm. At 4:30pm, under the big tent, it’s time for gun bingo with some fabulous firearms as prizes. This is an adult only event.
Center City Council cool to plat request on Park Island
Center City Council met June 4 for a regular meeting. Council member Ryan Pease was absent.
Congrats grads, fireworks date change, Harmony is underway
Congratulations to the most recent graduates of Wolf Creek Online School and the North Branch seniors. These kids have worked hard to get where they are today and I am certain they will make a difference in this world.
Shafer City Council ups council and mayor pay
Shafer City Council met June 4 for a regular meeting. All members were present.
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