July 3A fireworks related injury reported about 10:20 p.m. at Lions Park in Taylors Falls. Injured party taken to Regions Hospital by Lakes Region EMS.
June 26 Sheriff deputies made arrest about 3:40 p.m. in Lorens Park, Center City apprehending male refusing cooperation. He’d been accused of violating restraining order at nearby address.
Enforcement saturation on Hwy. 8Area law enforcement agencies coordinated a Towards Zero Deaths program saturation to enforce no passing on the right laws, on Hwy. 8. The state program funds hours for departments to come together to run concentrated patrols on seat belt use, adhering to speed limits, pedestrian right-of-way …
June 4 A caller reported a possible burglary underway at an address on Forest Blvd. in Stacy. Deputies made arrest of male and female as they exited a garage on site. Incident called in at 5:45 p.m.
Memorial Day Monday, May 30 storms hit all over Minnesota. By Tuesday, May 31 at 1 p.m. East Central Energy reported crews were still working hard to restore power to 165 Chisago County households without electricity. ECE information said the Milaca area was hardest hit in their service area and …
May 18A communications line drooped over the roadway near Briar and Mulberry in Taylors Falls and caught on a cab of a semi, that dragged it to the ground. Frontier was dispatched. Incident happened around 4 p.m.
May 15An ATV crash with driver and passenger aboard, reported in Shafer Township on St. Croix Trail. A 15 year old female was operating the 1000HP Polaris when it rolled and crashed in a ditch, and the operator was transported. No helmets were being worn, no safety certificate was available …
Monday storm leaves behind destructionThousands of Xcel customers and a few hundred East Central Electric accounts were without power Monday this week when high winds came through Chisago County before noon. Most reported storm damage was along and near the Highway 8 corridor. The outage impact was mostly the result …
Easter Sunday a motorcyclist crashed at Redwing and Pleasant Valley Road, south of Center City, reported about 4:50 p.m. Air transport could not be sent due to inclement weather, so an ambulance took victim to HCMC. No details available on condition.
April 10 fire reported at address on Trulson Road, Sunrise Township, about 5:47 p.m. No report of injury. Traffic control/detours handled by sheriff patrol.
April 3A single vehicle went through a stop sign while northbound on Flink Avenue in North Branch and off the road. No serious injury found, but subject got ticket to appear in court. Incident was near 425th and was reported about 5 p.m.
March 22 Lakes Area Police requested for assisting at Taylors Falls GOAT Bar. Report came in about 8:20 p.m. of a burglary, Lakes Area and county patrol discovered obvious signs of pulltabs break-in but perpetrator not found. Details pending on-going investigation.
Reports of smoke and fires had law enforcement checking out parcels all over the county before spring rain came early this week. Most of the locations with outdoor burning complaints had valid burn permits.