September 14 crash takes life of Harris man

State Patrol reports a 36-year-old Harris man was killed in a crash on Highway 95 September 14. Passengers, including a female, 41 and an 11 and 13 year old from Shafer— were transported for care. Nobody appeared to be using seatbelts, according to the preliminary details.

Hiram Lodge uses bingo funds for LAPD support

Hiram Lodge #287/ The Chisago Lakes Freemasons presented 10 Fire Suppression Tool units to Lakes Area PD. This was made possible by our community and local businesses taking part in meat bingo and silent auction to help raise the funds last spring. So it was a community group effort from …

Administrator search narrows, finalists to be interviewed Sept. 26

Finalists for the position of city administrator for North Branch will be invited to a special interview process September 26. Council and city department heads will question four candidates throughout the day. It is planned that the council will decide who to extend an offer to as soon as possible.

Wyoming Council adopts 2025 max levy, budget and announces two contests

Two fun things were on the Wyoming City Council agenda last week for action. Council had an easy time of supporting the mayor for a day essay contest and the dog park naming competition.

Shafer City Council briefs....

Shafer City Council met September 3 for a regular meeting. Council member Nick Brehm was absent.

Center City Council adopts levy

Center City Council met September 3 for a regular meeting. All members were present with two visitors in the audience.

Taylors Falls City Council looking at sewer, water rates and tidies up city code

The sewer and water rates charged to users in Taylors Falls haven’t been analyzed and adjusted for an estimated 10 years, and Monday night this week the city council voted to hire a firm to do a rate analysis with the idea to recommend an appropriate updated charge.

So much to do this weekend!

This weekend is Shafer Days and Apple Fest. Oh and did I mention Stagecoach Days in Wyoming?

Let’s get into the fall recipes!

We’re getting into the thick of fall season here in Minnesota. Granted when you’re reading this column, it’s going to be almost 80 degrees outside, but we’ve had a nice, brisk weekend and after this little mini heatwave, we’ll be back into the fall temps in no time.

Back to school!

It’s hard to tell sometimes who is more excited on the first day of elementary school— the kids or the principals...pictured Taylors Falls Elementary School leader Jason Riebe is the first face the students saw when they arrived Tuesday this week.

Review of 2032 Highway 8 work starting

The environmental review for endangered northern long eared bat and Blandings turtle species, living in the immediate vicinity of the upcoming Highway 8 reconstruction project, is well underway. Affected city segments along the project from Wyoming to Chisago City Karmel Avenue, are signing off on final layouts. Chisago County Engineer …

Chisago City considers ATV ordinance

The Chisago City Council came early and stayed late for its Aug. 27 meeting.

Wally’s— student store reimagined for a successful year

The start of school this week marks the reintroduction of the Chisago Lakes student store at the high school, plus an unexpected opportunity for Wildcat alumnus Josh Parks. He was a standout Wildcat football player, who went on to play at the University of Minnesota. But as a freshman he …

Lindstrom camera repair shop is celebrating its 30 year anniversary

Many Chisago Lakes Residents have no idea we have a camera repair shop in our own backyard. In fact, it has been a staple of downtown Lindstrom for decades. Northwest Camera Repair and its owner Gus Gulbrandson are celebrating 30 years in business this year and we caught up with …

CBD, hemp-derived sales OK’d for NB muni; RVs on city streets discussed

North Branch Council last week reviewed the municipal liquor operations manager’s request to have CBD and hemp derived THC products on the municipal store shelves, and approved the concept with Council member Kelly Neider absent.